Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I swear I'm gonna try to get here a little more often

Ex and I are dealing the the friendship thing relatively well. She finally admitted that she cheated. Finally admits she feels like shit about it all. Basically said that the guy she is living with is not going to be her husband ever (she doesn't want it), and that the guy she cheated on me with is still in the picture and she isn't sure what makes her happy, other than the fact that she and I will never be more than friends. Hurts, but also is a known defense mechanism. Not really sure what to do that it all, but I don't seem to ever really give up on my friends, no matter what, and we were very close friends before and while dating.

I am now officially shopping my resume around. I'm bored with what I'm doing. Don't get me wrong, I'm busy as hell, but the job itself bores me. I've been through it all before. I need something new or a promotion. If I am still at the plant when I finish this launch, I'm already all but guarenteed to switch departments just to do something different.

I've realized that I'm better looking than I give myself credit for. If I can lose the 10-15 lbs (or change a little to more solid muscle), I would be very happy with myself and may actually get a little more confidence.

I need a hair cut, but I think I like it longer and if it grows out a little more it will look nice again.

I'm still damaged goods.

My dog loves me.

I'm not a doctor, but I play one in the bedroom.

My other dog loves everyone.

I got a new phone a few weeks ago. LG Chocolate. I love it.

I'm going to lose 4 vacation days this year.

I still need to get laid.

I zipped myself (again). I think I may scar, it was bad. I need someone to kiss it and make it better.

I still need to find someone to come home to.

I think I want a kid, but I want someone to raise it with (or do I just want to make it, depends on the day, haha)

I can't wait until it gets cold here. Snow in the forecast for Sunday.

I'll leave the next post as an "Ask ThatGuy" post. Ask me anything, and I'll promise with 95% sincerity that I will answer it. If I will not, I'll at least give a good excuse. We'll aim for Monday or Tuesday, unless I get bored (which I might) in between and/or have substantial feedback (which I won't).

Everyone, go out, have fun, get laid and think of me.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

I am back

Oh and what a shitty weekend it has been. I got to spend 3 days with my mother, brother, and his wife, all of whom I do not really care for. Very awkward and uncomfortabl. I also spent 8+ hours looking at cars with no luck.

Just when I think I'm starting to get a little better about the ex, and we are having some open friendly dialogue, I stumble across some of our wedding stuff while I was at my parents. I can not imagine why that screwed me up again... oh wait, I'm still not quite where I need to be and that kind of thing still really bothers me and I just haven't quite been able to totally let her go.

I got back late this evening, and just about 40 minutes ago i got a text from the married friend to not call or text her anymore, cause I am ruining her marriage. Funny, I thought that being friends should be ok, but I understand that her husband doesn't like me, doesn't want me around, and I would not win if I tried to push a choice, and wished her well and offered my friendship down the road if wanted.

I'm suppose to go to the football game tomorrow. We'll see how that goes. I really hate my life.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Oh where to begin

I think I'm finally getting comfortable with the ex thing. Still hurts, would still probably take her back, but most people thought we would be better as friends than lovers when we started, and we are starting to keep that end going. Just a feels a little odd being "happy" that the one you loved for 8 years is in love with someone else only 11 months removed, not to mention still friends with the guy she cheated with, cause they were both "unsure how to deal with their issues at the time". Oh well, I'm good at the friend thing.

My head is pounding. Work is long. I will probably have an interview for a new thing in early December. Not sure if I want it though even if offered. over an hour drive each way (3 times my current). It would have to be something special.

As with everyone, I need to do some stuffing (its funny cause its sexual and holiday related) :)

Dog is good. More energy than I've seen in him in a long time.

In a move that will make a number of you smile, I am going to my parents tomorrow morning and staying until Friday night or Saturday afternoon. Kinda depends on my mood and how they act.

I get to fry a turkey tomorrow. I'm great at that. Honey, applesauce, and beer injected marinade with an assorted seasonings crust. Just can't beat that mouth watering goodness. I can feel 10 pounds being added to my frame already.

In that spirt, I hope all have a happy Thanksgiving, and try not to hurt anyone during the black Friday shopping wars.

Monday, November 20, 2006


So another blah weekend. the Friday thing fell through, but there was a very good reason and i would be about the biggest ass in the world to be upset about it. The rest of the weekend was spent cleaning my room and playing video games. I got a lot done in the game, but I probably could have done something better with the time.

The married friend has not returned text or call in about 2 months. I'm concerned that something has happened. I will probably try again this week, if for no other reason than to wish a happy Thanksgiving.

The ex aparently called me at some point today. I've stopped keeping my phone on me while I am home so I did not hear it ring. No message once agagin.

Aparently some friends of mine think they are funny and signed me up for a few online dating sights. I'm torn between checking it out since they actually spent a little money, or just telling them to fuck off. Anyone had a good experience with this sort of thing?

Bills go out tomorrow. Here's to being broke again. Happy Monday y'all.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

I'm still alive

I'm getting kinda beat down at work. I'm truly the go to guy, I have a hand in everything these days, and I'm not getting my job done. My holidays are all fucked, my life is dead. I'm all kinds of happy.

I do have tentative plans for tomorrow, but I don't know if they will hold. I also may have to work some on Saturday, but I'm doing my best to avoid that.

Dog is good though, so something positive.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Sorry I've been out again

I have not had the energy or muse to write about lately. Still miss the ex. Still lonely, nothing has changed there, just putting in a lot of time at work again. I got in about 6:40 Saturday morning and left at 9:45 Saturday night. Just an example of what my last week has been like. I do get Monday off for the holiday, so I'll spend the day running errands and sitting in front of my TV. Happy day to y'all.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

I've been slacking

I haven't posted much lately. I've been a little busy, a little moody, and less than impressed with my own mindset.

On that note, lets see. My team lost today. I am still very single. I haven't had a date in a good long while. My roommate has a woman (good for him, but seriously, its amazing that he has dates while I am alone).

I am going to be spending the majority of the end of the month on the road. Detroit, Virginia, god knows where else. I'm bored as hell with my job. I've got plenty to do, but I'm just bored with it. This is the longest I've been in a position without a promotion.

Dog is doing well. New season of Family Guy, Simpsons, and Adult Swim. Everyone do the happy dance. Final Fantasy XII is great. If you are a nerd, join me in the super happy dance. If you are getting laid, do the super naked happy dance. I'll sit that one out. Um, I got nothing else, maybe i'll get some motivation later this week.