Saturday, April 28, 2007


She couldn't break her plans to hang out with me, so I'm spending the evening by myself. I guess its ok, I am doing my best to be laid back about this and just let whatever may be happen. I honestly don't know that I'll be able to keep up with her even if it works out that way, but it could be fun to try. The myspace thing reveals more about a person than is always intended...

On a slightly different note, married friend got in touch with me through myspace. She's doing ok, letting our things be in the past, and happy to hear from me. I'm of course doing the same.

Another long week down, the next few should be a little more relaxed, but then the real work storm comes on. Outfuckingstanding. Just gotta make it to July without killing myself, and I should be in good shape.

Friday, April 27, 2007


I've had a few too many after bowling. Bars are fun. I'm on for Saturday if she can free up. We'll see. As always, no real expectations...

Monday, April 23, 2007


She is busy this week. She said we would talk about it and figure something out on Thursday. I'm still not sure if she's blowing me off or what. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Mixed singnals suck much ass

I'll preface this with a statement that I am well aware that this post can be turned 180 degrees and still be 100% true.

Ok, seriously, what the fuck is wrong with women. The last few that I've actually had an interest in have all given extremely mixed signals at every turn. The ex that ended up leaving me, the old friend that then decided it was too wierd, the passive/agressive coworker, the married friend that wanted to leave her husband and then didn't, the other friend that wasn't into dealing with a distance thing, and now the bowling girl. Every one of them would tell me they were into me, then not, then they were, then not. She very directly told me she wanted to go out, even looked me up on MySpace, but now again no response. I'm more frustrated than anything, knowing full well that going through a divorce and having a 2 year old will totally eat up your time, but it doesn't make it any easier on me. I'm trying to play it slow, let it be whatever it will or won't be, but it would be really nice to just have a least a little knowledge as to what the hell is going on.

I'm also tired of friends that want to get shitty on account of you trying to meet new people. My friend's wife is pulling this shit on me right now. She is getting all agitated on account of my "trying to get into someone's pants" and that "a real friend wouldn't ditch others just to get a piece of ass". She has a crush on me (what's with me and married women), and doesn't seem to like me having interest in someone. I just need a little more uncessary drama. Can anyone add to it.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Maybe I'm shooting low...

...but I really won't know until we go out. She showed up this week, let me make fun of her, and is actually openly interested now. I actually have the right number. She just got a new phone and hadn't set up the voice mail. She did say that she was really drunk and didn't really remember talking to me the last time, but is more than receptive to going out. Go me. I may actually have a date for the first time since...well, you know. Who knows how it will go, I'm not actually putting a lot of faith in it being much, but getting myself out there a little bit may go a long way for this nerd's shyness.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Well what does this say

The possible fake number didn't show up to the league night or the bar tonight. Do we think its still a fake number and she is avoiding facing me, or is it just that something came up?

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Maybe I need to drink just a little less

Of the few people that still read my choaotic postings, have you ever given or recieved a fake phone number?

I went out last Wednesday and Thursday. I had asked out an aquantance that is a little ADD, and we were discussing over drinks when she was free. We set up a date and she gave me a number to call and finalize everything the next day. Number doesn't work quite right. It is a real number, and active, but no voice mail and no response. I'm going to make fun of her for it on Thursday when I see her again, but it could just as well be that I was drunk and put the wrong number in my phone. Wish me luck, I need a date soon just to get back into that part of my life, even if it doesn't go extremely well.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Stupid people really really piss me off

I'm struggling to keep my mouth shut after a discussion that took place around me today.

New roomate was telling us about this girl that is interested in him but has a jealous boyfriend. I laughed. Always bad news (though I've stepped beyond the line once or twice). Other roomate's girlfriend starts mouthing off about how she is stupid and shouldn't be spending time with the original guy if she is wanting to be with my roomate. This coming from the same girl that was fucking my other roomate (now boyfriend) while she had another boyfriend. It was everything I could do to keep quiet. Stupid fucking cheating whore. And my roomate doesn't understand why I dislike her. Stupid and hyprocritical. Lovely combination.

I went to see 300 this weekend. Good movie. Another series of stupid moments during the movie. The couple behind me started asking each other about some of the mythological animals and if they really existed back then and a number of questions along that line. I just wanted to turn around and punch them in the genitals to make sure they would not reproduce.

I am being courted by a few new companies now. One is in Louisville. Wish me luck, though I'm not sure I really want to move.

Happy week.