Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Lots has changed

Girl #1 is now officially just a friend. As much as I liked her, and still have a crush on her, I'm very cool with just being friends. its actually working out really well and we have become pretty close.

Girl #2 is stil la close friend with dreams of more (on her part). She has taken the summer fling thing to a hope for more, but knows that we can't do so now. I don't know if anything more will ever come of it, but I really hope we can stay friends no matter how that turns out. She is a very sweet girl and deserves better than some of the shit I've already pulled (see girl 3 and 4). I feel like hell about some of the things that have happened, but we have always known it wasn't meant to be right now.

Girl #3 is the one that i'm actually working on something more with. We have been friendly for months, but she is hung up on figuring out things with another guy as well as myself. We did have a one night thing. I want more (at least another night or two), and i'm the kind of guy that needs to know for sure if I was just used or if there is genuine interest. Her friends all want her to get with me, but girls are stupid (no offense, women are great).

Girl #4 was a mistake. She is a nice girl, we are friends and have a good time talking/hanging out, but i never should have hooked up with her.

Girl #5 is actually a girl that is pre-girl #1, and i'm more interested in her than any of the rest, but i'm far less likely to have anything happen with her again. She was my last date, last anything before this summer, a very short thing last September/October that I am still in contact with but have a distance issue that at least at this moment doesn't seem to be overcome.

Life is still going on. In general i'm getting out more and having more fun. I still would prefer to have a relationship rather than just friends with benefits, but I can't force something that isn't there. Right now #3 or #5 or someone I don't know are the options. Wish me luck, and everyone have a wonderful long holiday weekend.


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