Friday, June 22, 2007

I'm really fucking hurt

I don't think there is anything more with the girl in question, but I'm not sure. I'm too fucking nice for my own good. I'm suppose to get a call to discuss our stance, but I'm not expecting it and she hurt me really badly last night. I've known that its not at an exclusive thing, and that she is seeing other people. I'm understanding of that. What i'm not understanding of is her getting cozy with some asshole red neck that is in our bowling league also while we were at the bar after the league. I got pissed off obviously. She looked upset. There are other things that have come up with regards to the seeing other things (no sex, but other things). I'm just tired of the games, and that will be the discussion that we have when we finally do talk again. Her parents are in town tonight for her Mom's birthday, and they are all going to Cincy tomorrow to celebrate, so I'm expecting to not actually hear from her.

I just can't be mean or angry at people I like. I always make excuses for them. Back to working 80+ hours a week to burry myself and not have to live. I was unhappy but at least I didn't get hurt.


At 12:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweetie I am so sorry but she sounds like a real bitch. She knows how you feel and what she did was mean. You don't need her.

At 6:45 PM, Blogger KJ said...

you have to stop getting so attached to women so quickly.....sounds like she was wanting an occasional date and hanging out and you wanted serious......

it takes time to build to that

I am sorry you are hurting

At 7:42 AM, Blogger The Volpinator said...

I agree with Kristen...sorry it isn't working out the way you want...but maybe it is for the best..don't bury yourself in work...get right back out there!


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