Uneventful Weekend
So, very uneventful weekend. Even with being in the office until nearly midnight on my birthday, I still ended up going in on Saturday. It sucks being the only guy that seems to be able to get things done. They better remember me at raise time or I'm walking (as soon as I get something else, got bills to pay).
I start my lawn project in 2 weeks. Its the first step to getting my buddys back. I miss my dogs, but need a yard and fence.
I finally saw "Superman Returns". If you haven't, I'm going to drop a little spoiler, so skip to the next paragraph. The movie wasn't too bad, not great, kinda so-so. It was superman though, so I enjoyed it. The man of steel had his imaged tarnished just a touch though, as did Lois Lane. A love child. He hit it. Good for him, but I can't look at him as the boyscout anymore. And she put out, what a tramp (just kidding). But does anyone else think that plays a little away from what he stands for?
Also, I vaguely remember somewhere that they were complaining about the codpiece of the new uniform. *sudden change of direction, yet somewhat on topic* Does anyone else think of the Hummer as the small penis status symbol of our generation? I have seen more H2 and H3's in this weekned that I care too, and can't help but think they have replaced the Corvett/Porsche as the "status symbol", that is really about a lack of manhood, or just general insecurity.
I was gonna have this weeks random questions be about sex, but I'll let a vote decide it. Either that or whatever else you all request. I'm kinda at a loss for the moment, so, vote sex/sports/personal vices/other (please insert other), and also Louisville or not this weekend.
Sex, personal vices, or maybe sexual vices???
And yes, I vote Louisville!
I'll answer anything.........
Yes to Louisville
Seems to me...the larger the vehicle, the more insecurities there seem to be in a man.
Just sayin'.
hummer="i have no knowledge about cars or suv's and i have no desire to offroad, but i want to look badass and make people pay attention to me and my tiny penis/ovaries."
Happy Belated Birthday by the way. I think your right with the Hummer being a penis status symbol. You have to be rich to even afford the gas in those suckers.
I vote for a sex question and yes to Louisvillle.
Every time I see a Hummer all I can think is..."How small does your penis have to be to buy that monster?"
KJ & Jenn taught me how to say Louisville correctly!
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