So guess who got some hot birthday sex...
Now that I have your attention, it sure as hell wasn't me. Today (technically yesterday) was my birthday. Want to know how I spent my fucking birthday, well I'll tell you. The alarm went off at 6:30 after a very restless night of maybe 3 hours of sleep. I don't sleep all that much, so not too much out of the ordinary. I hit the snooze a few times, finally got up, showered and got ready for work. I left my house at 7:30 AM. Now today, as my birthday, I figured I'd at worst leave work on time, but truly looking to get out a little early and hit up a local spot for a few birthday drinks. I live in a dream world. In reality, I walked back into my house, after coming straight home from work, at 12:16 AM. I spent 16 hours at work on my birthday, and didn't even have anyone to come home to, not even my dogs. Not to brag on myself, but I am very good at what I do, and very dedicated to doing it well in order to better myself and my career, but this is fucking ridiculous.
I got exactly 6 birthday well wishers. My dad left a message, my ex sent a text, my married friend called me late the night before, an old HS buddy left a message, and two of my newer acquaintances. The ex really surprised me, but by this time I should never be surprised. Oh, and with regards to gifts/cake/hugs/handshakes/drinks/sex/anything given for this type of day, nada. I know I'm too old to get caught up in that, but at least someone offering to take me to get a drink or something would have been nice. Oh well, I've complained enough. I have a meeting early tomorrow for the shit I was at work late for tonight. I will leave with my birthday wish list, in no particular order:
New Job that I like
Intelligent, beautiful woman that I can talk to, rely on, loves me and I love
A meaningful kiss and someone to curl up next to
Grass in my backyard
My dogs
Real Sleep
Something to smile about
Tomorrow (today) is another day.
Additional Note#1: I was looking at my visitors and how they got here, and it struck me funny that the google search "guy alone unhappy "love life"" had me listed as the first hit. I'm number one in someones heart haha
I am very sorry to hear that that is how you spent your birthday. That does suck! No one should have to spend their entire birthday at work. As a teacher who has their birthday in the fall, I am usually at work on my birthday as well but hopefully not all day. I agree that being good and your job and doing what it takes to do it well is a good thing, something that not everyone does. It is good that you are that motivated to being successful professionally. However, I agree 16 hours is a little much for anyone!
As for the gifts, cake, hugs, handshakes, drinks, sex, etc., I would have most definitely gotten you a gift, a cake, and a hug for your special day if you were any closer and I knew where to send it. As for drinks, remember the 25th...
You are never too old to not want the recognition of your birthday. It's not about what you gift just that acknowledgement. I completely understand your feelings there.
As for your birthday wish list,
I sincerely hope you get everything you wish for in time and that you are able to live a happy, healthy life with that special person.
Happy Brithday my fellow leo friend. Your birthday sounded just like mine. No sleep, work, work and more work!! You are right though today is a new day!! Hope it is good to you.
I'm sorry :(
Happy Belated B-day!
I think the best is yet to come!!!!
I'm pouring you a nice cold one right now. Shot? Tequila okay?
Alrighty then! Ready, set---wait
what are we toasting to?
Okay, Here's to YOU-another year smarter, another year braver, another year better! Okay-shoot!
Happy belated bday....
Happy Birthday.......
Hope you're having a great weekend.......
Drinks are on the 25th just as Coacharob stated
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