Thank you
I wanted to start with a thank you to those of you that have made me feel like I'm not the only one. I still have more than my share of tough days, but in general, its getting better and I'm (hopefully) starting to see the light and move on.
Last week was tough, dealing with family and questions and being alone. She really hurt me more than I let on to most people...
Random thought, should I shave or not? I was lazy while in SD last week and did not bother. Any comments or suggestions? Go for a full beard, half or full goatee, clean shaven, whats the choice? I leave it up to you out there in blog world. Of course, if I end up with a date at some point its probably going to be back to smooth, but I thought I would put it out there.
Second random thought, Cats or Dogs?
Star Wars or Star Trek?
Top or Bottom?
Winter or Summer?
Drink or Drugs?
Eyes or Smile?
Chest or Ass?
Dressed up or comfortable?
Boxer's or Briefs?
TV or Movie?
Family Guy or Simpsons?
I'll probably come up with more, but thats a good start, lets see what ya got.
I found your blog yesterday and have been trying to catch up on you by reading all your older entries. I find you very interesting. Can I tell you that I don't think you will ever get your chica back by mopping around, looking vulnerable and/or desperate. As a woman, I can say that most of us find confidence attractive in a guy. This is instinctual. We are programmed to want a confident man that is mentally/emotionally stronger than us whether we admit it or not.
Relationships are not about playing games but I can guarantee that if you stop calling her, stop trying to get together with her it will only be a matter of time before you hear from her again. Guaranteed!!
Having said all this, I don't think this woman is right for you and you know this. You know this!
The best thing that you can probably do for yourself right now is remove yourself from the environment that you are in. Move somewhere completely different, try something different. Change careers. Travel. Do things for yourself. To me, and to a lot of women, there is nothing more attractive than a man who knows what he wants and is true and honest to himself. Sounds cliche, but if you don't love yourself, you can't expect anyone else to.
I am sorry if this advice is too much. I said all this because we've all been there. And a lot of the times its easier to give logical advice when you are not in the situation. And for you, well, you know all of this but maybe it would help you to hear it from someone else. I don't know you at all but I can tell that you are a wonderful man. You just need to realize this yourself before you find someone else that thinks that of you.
The anonymous poster definitely has a point...confidence! Gotta have it!
As for your questions...I typically prefer a man who is clean shaven but have been known to be attracted to the goatee as long as it is well kept and cared for..
In addition...
Star Wars
Family Guy
I love a clean shaven man. As for your random thoughts:
Cats and Dogs
Star Wars
Eyes that smile
Dressed up comfortably
Boxer briefs
TV and Movie, depending on my mood
Now what about you?? What are your choices.
Stay strong my friend, everything happens for a reason, this is what I keep telling myself anyway.
Have a great day!
Clean shaven or beard
Star Wars
Switch it around
Smile that lights up the whole face
comfortable for the person regardless if it's dressed up or down
Boxer Briefs
TV and Movie
Anonymous: You are very right, but it is also not the way I am when I am out in the real world. I put up a decent front to the hurt I've been through to those around me, and only a very few people (outside the blog world) know of the depression that I was in. I have only spoken to her twice since we broke up, and at this point its mainly to get the expensive ring back... (damn, this could have been a post all its own).
I know you are all right, and the reasons will become known to me at some point I'm sure.
My answers:
I will be down to a goatee tomorrow morning, probably clean by the weekend
I am most definately a dog guy
Star wars all the way
I agree with KJ, but if I can only have one, Bottom
Fall (my questions, so my answers)
The way her eyes look when she smiles
I'm an ass guy
I look good in a suit, but jeans and a T are my life
Movies on my TV (I love a quiet night on the couch with a good one)
Used to be Simpsons, now I'm Family Guy. For stupid alternative, there's always adult swim for the big kid in us all
I'm sure I'll reuse some of these at a later time, and come up with some more later. What better way to get to know people :)
Thanks all
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