Friday, February 02, 2007

Its Friday night and I'm doing the blog thing

Good, bad, or otherwise, I'm in again on a Friday night. In my defense, I was out until almost midnight last night, didn't fall asleep until about 4:30 this morning, and my alarm started going off at 6:30. That plus having to go into work for a while tomorrow morning and a bad stomach day, and i'm happy to watch some HDTV, enjoy my couch, and throw out some randomness for those that still keep up with me.

First off, sorry I've been a little absent. Busy work, tired and not feeling the daily grind is always worth sharing.

I'm still hoping for a little fun on or around V-day, with no plans formalized.

My plant may be striking soon. That would kinda really suck, but they froze our pay and decreed merit/living raises will probably not be happening this year now, so fuck 'em.

I hate dry skin. I shoulder is itching like crazy from it.

I'm 8 pounds down now that I've started staying with the whole working out thing. I can see it, but no one else can. 15 more, and keeping it off for 2 months and then I get my tatoo. keep it off for one year, and I'll get my first motorcycle.

I like drunk bowling with my friends, even on a work night. I don't think I've laughed as hard as last night in my life. I managed to not piss anyone off this week, and towards the end the drunken antics should have.

My dog is mad at me. Not sure why, but he doesn't like to sleep on the bed anymore and stays away from me other than when he wants food or out. Its starting to bother me. I think he needs a new mom.

I love my new truck.

Ok, I'm done, need to crash on account of work tomorrow. Enjoy the weekend all, not to mention the big game. Go Colts.


At 9:45 PM, Blogger The Volpinator said...

Congrats on the 8! I'm down 13! Woo hoo for us!

At 5:11 PM, Blogger KJ said...

Indiana Apple Colts


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