Monday, January 15, 2007

Breathing is difficult right now

I'm wishing I were dead (on account of the flu), but otherwise life is the same. I havn't had a date or kissed a woman since September. The ex and I are more in contact these days, and doing the friend thing reasonably well. The married friend has disappeared. The friends that were going to set me up have all fallen short.

On the work front, I'm getting antsy for something new again. I've already been set up to fail with the project that I'm on. I'm less than excited about it, and its my own fault for asking for the project. What the fuck is wrong with me. I must be a glutton for punishment. My life basically ceases to exist for the next 6 months to get this program up and running. Yippie for me.

I need to go to vegas for a long weekend, who's in? Drinks, great food, orgies, it'll be great.

I did not get to the gym this weekend because of the sickness. Will be trying again later this week. If I can meet my goal (weight loss/redistributed) by June, I'll reward myself with tatoo. If I can carry it over through next year, I get a motorcyle. Gotta motivate yourself somehow.

Back to the grind tomorrow, here's hoping for a little better health.


At 5:18 PM, Blogger KJ said...

Vegas is in April......keep up

No comment on the ex thing


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