Sunday, January 21, 2007

Another reason I hate being sick.

Its nearing the end of the first month of 2007. I've been sick, so I've had time to sit around and think. I really hate it when that happens.

For whatever reason, my happiness seems to be rooted in my personal relationships. I've been putting on my happy face and trying to get out a little more often (not hard to beat my last year), but I'm not really getting what I'm looking for. I've not had a date since September, and the only thing I can blame, other than the ex, is myself.

I have rediculously high standards. I was a bit of a nerd growing up, but once I started dating, I only dated women that were more attractive, smarter, more athletic, etc. than I was. I still do. As a few of you know, I am not exactly an unattractive person, so it makes that standard even higher. I have never gone out with anyone that was not considered beautiful, and had at least one signiture "special trait" (eyes, chest, ass, legs, etc.). I have no intention to change this, but it does make for a lot of lonely nights.

Is there anything wrong with wanting to be with someone that creats a situation where people look at you and think "damn, he must be doing something right to have that"? At what point does one settle?


At 7:04 PM, Blogger KJ said...

Don't settle.

At 4:58 PM, Blogger The Volpinator said...



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