Sunday, December 17, 2006

I'm being a bitch

I'll be the first to admit it. I'm at the time of the year where I'm just a big whiny bitch. Today would have been my 9 year anniversary. The next 10 days mark not only what should have been my 4 year wedding anniversary, but also the first year of being single after being hurt. I'm feel very alone, even when i'm surrounded by friends, family, and co-workers. No excuses, I'm a bitch, but thought I would share a little of my reasoning for struggling the last few weeks.


At 6:55 AM, Blogger KJ said...


ok, here goes

At the risk of sounding insensitive, I'm going to be brutally honest, but I do have the best intentions so I hope it doesn't piss you off........

You have to get over this. It's been a year and what's worse is that you're counting back to 10 years ago and your non-existent wedding anniversay.

Instead of dwelling on the what if's, you should be thanking God or whoever that you didn't make the biggest mistake of your life and marry this girl who lied to you and cheated on you.

You are extremely lucky.

Breaking up is extremely hard and painful but as long as you keep reminders of her and the relationship in your everyday life, you will never move on to the next chapter in your life. YOU HAVE TO LET IT GO. Close the book and start a new one.......who knows what the next book will bring but you haven't even gone to browse for new books yet cause you still have the Misery book open.

Yes, I know my analogy is really stupid but you know what I'm getting at.......

Do you really want to be stuck re-reading a book that brought you down and hurt you day after day? Throw the book out. Get rid of bookmarks, and footnotes, and anything else that relates to that book........


At 6:57 AM, Blogger KJ said...

oh yeah.

As long as you keep the past in your everyday life, you can't expect to be able to meet someone new....

At 7:23 PM, Blogger Leigh said...

Christmas is hard enough, but must be that much worse with these thoughts and feelings you are having. I do have to agree with Kristen as well as taking her advice. Everything does happen for a reason. Even those things we don't understand, and question. One day when you fall in love with that perfect women you will then understand why god never answered that last prayer. Hang in there I know it's not easy. Remember to keep breathing, keep putting that one foot infront of the other.

At 1:22 PM, Blogger erika said...

I am with Kristen. We mean it in a nice way. It is tearing you up. You deserve to be happy.

Heck we all do.


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