Can I quit life?
I'm really struggling the last few days (weeks actually) to stay in a more happy place. I can't even stay on an upbeat note when I'm drinking and bowling. Even my teammates noticed I was more sedate than my normal self. I'm just not sure why things have sucked lately.
Work still sucks. I'm still working on the England thing, or something else, but nothing is moving at the moment. I'll be at my current job both Saturday and Sunday this week. I'm truly loving life.
At least dogs have unconditional love. Even when he's mad at me, my buddy is still happy to see me and loves me. Why can't people be more like that...
If you can quite life, please tell me how you do it. I will be putting in my letter of recomendation.
Have a good weekend.
Quit life = An hero?
this is old, but..
you can make it.
believe in yourself<3
So many times I have thought the same, look at Diogenes. Somebody said that God created Dogs so that humans could learn how they were supposed to behave.
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